Reader Testimonials
Our readers and customers mean a lot to us. Read what our obviously happy customers have to say about Wigmore on Alcohol.

Wigmore on Alcohol is a wonderful research tool that will prove a valuable resource in both legal and scientific libraries.
Rick Libman, Ph.D.,
Judge, Ontario Court of Justice

We finally received your book and I have to say that it is laid out differently than I had imagined. If this doesn’t sound like a positive comment, I assure you it is!!!…I found the layout refreshing and very user friendly. It is packed full of information, abstracts and beautifully concise summaries.
Los Angeles Police Department, Forensic Scientist

Wigmore, a faculty member at Indiana’s University Center for Studies of Law in Action, abstracts more than 650 articles from the periodical literature around the world and presents the information in a clear and systematic format which is easily accessible by both experts and lay persons.
Jere Joiner, Independent Higher Education Professional, Course Manager (ret)
Center for Studies of Law in Action, The Borkenstein Course, Indiana University

This is truly an exceptional resource for any active professional and practitioner working in the area of forensic alcohol be they a toxicologist, researcher, educator, prosecutor, defense attorney, judge or law enforcement officer. As one of the online reviewers stated, Wigmore on Alcohol will be the new “Alcohol Bible” for years to come.
Robert Zettl, BS, MPA
Forensic Consultants, Inc., Centennial, Colorado

I have been retired for quite a few years but I still kept several boxes of alcohol papers as you never know if you will be called to testify on an old case. But after I bought your wonderful book, I threw all the boxes away. Thank-you for helping me to declutter!
Alice Wong, Forensic Toxicologist (ret)

It will certainly be the new Alcohol Bible for decades to come, and be of great value to active practitioners and researchers.
Dr. Kurt M. Dubowski
George Lynn Cross Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Medicine,
The University of Oklahoma

In summary, this work provides scientist, non-scientist, student and expert alike with a source of relevant articles to assist them in learning about, understand, or deepening their knowledge of alcohol toxicology.
Josette Hackett, B.Sc, M.Sc
Forensic Specialist – Alcohol
National Forensic Services, RCMP, Halifax, Nova Scotia

I worked in the insurance industry for many, many years and I have attended mediations, discoveries and trials. I have also published articles and presented at seminars. Your book would have been of such a help as a reference had it been available…It is certainly one that could and should be used by the Insurance Industry, the Law Society and Police Departments across the country.
Carolan Shannon, RN
Claims Consultant, Toronto

I regret that Wigmore on Alcohol was not available to me during my years of active practice in forensic science.
Doug Lucas, MSc, PhD (hons)
Retired Director of the Centre of Forensic Sciences, Toronto

When you mentioned you were writing this book, I thought it would be so technical I wouldn’t understand it. I was pleasantly surprised. I never realized alcohol could have such an affect on our body. I also didn’t realize what an authority you are. Wouldn’t your Mum and Dad be proud of you and so pleased. It is on my coffee table and will make an interesting book for all to peruse. Congratulations and many thanks!
Jim’s Aunt Dorrie, age 90 years